12 of my #Mummywins

When I wrote my very first blog post about #Mumlife it was pointed out by the lovely Gem at Colley’s Wobbles that one of the items on my list actually counted as a Mummywin. Claire at The Pramshed wrote about mummy wins and newborn firsts; such as the first time she left the house after having the baby. Here’s my list of #mummywins, the things that make me smile and think ‘Woop, dodged a bullet’ or ‘I actually CAN do this without being a hot mess!’

  1. Getting to eat your dinner while the baby is happy doing something else.
  1. When an explosive poo occurs when you’re about to change the nappy and have already taken the baby’s clothes off – so no clothes are harmed in the making of the poo.
  1. The baby sleeping in the pram while you’re out for lunch or a cuppa so you almost feel like an actual person catching up with friends instead of a frazzled mum!
  1. Getting that perfect photo at exactly the right moment – capturing a funny expression or gorgeous smile.
  1. Leaving the house, on time, before ‪12pm. Bonus points if you remember everything you need!
  1. Catching baby sick in a towel, thereby avoiding mess on clothes, carpets, toys etc…
  1. Going to an appointment e.g. the hairdressers where all the baby does is smile and laugh, so everyone thinks you have an angelic child.
  1. The baby sleeping the whole time you are stuck in a traffic jam.
  1. Maneuvering the pushchair successfully around town and the shops without bumping into anyone’s feet or getting trapped in any doorways.
  1. Seeing the bottom of the laundry basket. Oh, this one never happens!
  1. Finding the time to have a bath, shave your legs, wash your hair. This requires someone else being in the house, to be honest.
  1. Getting 7 or more hours straight sleep, obviously. I think this must be everybody’s favourite mummy win!


What other Mummy wins can you think of?

2 hands holding brown beer bottles clinking together
Cheers to all the mummy wins!
The Pramshed
Pink Pear Bear
Diary of an imperfect mum
Rhyming with Wine

70 thoughts on “12 of my #Mummywins

  1. This list brings back memories of the baby stage and well-timed and not so well-timed naps! My mummy wins this week have been getting out of the house without getting stressed and turning into a grumpy mum, and having a 4 day weekend with my husband around! #fortheloveofBLOG

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    1. Getting out the house without being stressed is definitely a mummy win, go you! And it’s always so nice when partners have extra time off work, makes so much difference! Thanks for reading, Ellen


  2. Wow! I only ever had 2 of this mummy wins. Showering, shaving and washing hair because they always seemed to sleep their morning nap and the 7 hours sleep but not until they were about 7 months to be honest and now definitely don’t get any sleep with big boy calling for mummy every few hours because he had a nightmare! My mummy win now would be to be able to have a shower without both kids trying to kill each other/ get in there with me.


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  3. I agree to all of them! What about when you have two kids and both of them fall asleep at the same time? You feel you have ALL the time in the world!
    Loved your post X

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah yes the sleep is the biggest win of all!! And the sleeping baby over lunch…i used to love that! Now, it’s if we can get through a day without a toddler tantrum, today has been an example of that and we even went to a supermarket and got stuck in traffic. Officially winning #fortheloveofBLOG

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, those were the days! Tiny victories! They are all definitely important mummywins. Dragging a huuuggee baby bag full of stuff to toddler group and actually having a nappy in it amidst the breadsticks and general rammel!

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  6. I think my current mummy wins are all based on bedtime – getting him out of the bath without a meltdown, managing to brush his teeth, getting him in the sleeping bag without crying, managing to read a story without him throwing the book across the room – and the big one, getting out of the room and sat down on the sofa! But still number 12 – always number 12!! #bigpinklink

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  7. Hmmm, mine are; getting big girl to school with all her bits and pieces, book read and hair brushed on time, making appointments and then actually keeping them, not packing all their too small clothes when we go away and going somewhere without forgetting anything. 🙂 Thanks for linking up with us! #bigpinklink

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love a good mummy win! I think getting the gravel out of the babies mouth is quite a good mummywin. Not sure if that just counts as win, and I probably should have been watching him better! oops #bigpinklink

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  9. Totally nodding along to all of these! Only other parents would get this stuff wouldn’t they! My favourite mum win is definitely the sleep though! You can cope with any amount of anything if you’ve had a full night sleep cant you? Thanks for sharing with us on #fortheloveofBLOG x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely! It’s important to treasure the mummy wins as they help on those mummy losing completely days! As they get older, being zen like as they’re naughty or at least not squawking at them is a win!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha that is a win! Zen like is what we all aim for but I think I fail to achieve often. Mummy wins are definitely necessary to counteract the ‘mummy is about to lose her sh*t’ moments haha. Thank you for reading, Ellen


  11. I love these – all very good mummy wins and isn’t it a satisfying feeling when they happen! My mummy wins are being able to transfer a sleeping child from car to cot without waking them, being able to drink a cup of coffee without it going cold and managing to do bedtime without wanting to pull my hair out! Thanks for linking up to #FamilyFun 🙂

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  12. A HOT cup of tea or coffee in the morning…. without re-heating it 7 times!!!

    When baby doesn’t do a massive poo when you’re out and about (I hate poo changes in public toilets)

    A playdate without a fight!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah course I’m not big on hot drinks so I forgot that one!! I know exactly what you mean about poos in public, TM keeps not pooing for two days then doing two or three huge ones in one day and I am always dreading it being while we are out!! Thanks for reading, Ellen

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  13. YES. I can agree to ALL of them, literally every single one. Actually, I still haven’t had number 12 though waaahhh : (. I think one of my faves is when he sleeps through the whole lunch or dinner with friends so I have time to be myself and give my friends proper attention. Love this post, we should celebrate the positives of motherhood! Thanks for sharing with #StayClassy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you agree! It will happen my lovely, and you’ll wake up before he does because your boobs have leaked all over the bed haha. It’s definitely nice when you get to catch up with people without worrying. Ah it’s funny a friend from uni who hasn’t got kids yet actually commented when I shared this post on my personal Facebook that she had seen so many things recently about the reality and difficulty of being a parent and while she appreciates the honesty she said it was lovely to read something positive about being a mum!!

      Anyway I am rambling, thanks for having me again and for reading. Ellen xx


  14. Ahhh so many memories! I remember ALL of these! Seeing the bottom of the laundry basket rarely happens here either and my children are 12, 10 and 8! Still though, even if it’s in only half empty that’s a good win! 🙂 #FartGlitter

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  15. Hurrah to all of these lovely! I’m doing you a little Mexican wave! (All by myself. Yes I look a bit weird). Definite high five for number 6, and if I may also add “catching vomit in your own hands” which I have done on more than one occasion. You might not want to high five me after that though. At least not before half a bottle of dettol soap has been involved… 😉

    Thanks for linking up with #fartglitter xx

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